Media Statement: Perdaus Donates $50,800 to Mercy Relief in Support of Aid for Palestine, and Educational Initiatives

Perdaus hands over a mock cheque to Mercy Relief for the donation of $50,800 towards Palestinian relief efforts, recently at the Mercy Relief office. (L-R) Executive Director of MR, Mr Muhammad Ashiq; Chairman of MR, Mr Satwant Singh; President of Perdaus, Mr Muhammad Hafiz Noorahman; Treasurer of Perdaus, Mr Mohd Azhar Khalid; and Assistant Treasurer, Mr Mohammed Farhan Mohammed Tayib.

Perdaus staff, teachers and volunteers welcomed Ustaz Dr Muhammad Haniff Hassan, on spreading awareness and arming educators with the knowledge and skills required to foster critical thinking and nuanced discussions in classrooms.

Heartfelt wishes and concern for Palestinian children by primary school students at Madrasah Perdaus, conveying solidarity through art.